Humble Request for Your Support

Serving the

Dear Friends,

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh!

 Twenty-one years ago, my co-founder Jaideep Singh and I recognized a need for a strong voice that advocated on behalf of the Sikh American community.

 We recognized a need to counter negative stereotypes and misrepresentations about Sikhs.

We recognized the need to create awareness of the Sikh faith and the Sikh identity.

We recognized the need to provide assistance and legal aid to members of our community when their civil and religious rights were violated.

We recognized this and acted on it in 1996 by establishing SALDEF, we pioneered this work and continue to do so.

While as a community we have made much progress and accomplished tremendous victories over the past 20 years, there is still much work that remains to be done. For instance:

  • Increasing the level of civic engagement for our community,
  • Seeing more Sikhs run for and win elected office,
  • Creating access to professional and entrepreneurial opportunities, and
  • Above all, ensuring that our community’s 125+ years of contributions to the United States are well known and recognized!

 I am personally committed and motivated to leave a legacy of a better tomorrow for our next generation! I strive each day to ensure that our next generation is not fighting the battles we are fighting today!

Won’t you join me in SALDEF’s mission to achieve these goals?

Please help us reach our year-end fundraising goal of $250,000 so we can continue our work in 2018.

Chardi Kala!

Manjit Singh

Co-Founder and Board Chair