AUGUST 28, 2023
The coalition now calls on Gov. Newsom to swiftly sign the bill
SACRAMENTO, CA– Today, the Californians for Caste Equity Coalition of civil rights organizations, state legislators, and community advocates joined forces to celebrate the rapid passage of California State Bill SB403. The anti-caste discrimination bill just passed its final procedural step, with the California Senate casting a successful final concurrence vote. Now, the coalition calls on Governor Newsom to swiftly sign the bill.
SB403 seeks to combat caste discrimination and strengthen protections for marginalized communities across the state. State Senator Wahab, the lead author of the bill, joined caste equity civil rights activists and organizations from across the country—including the Sikh American Legal Defense and Education Fund (SALDEF) and Equality Labs—in their united effort to promote equality and justice for California’s caste-oppressed community.
Caste bias has long been a pressing concern affecting individuals’ lives and well-being. SB403 represents a significant step forward in addressing this urgent civil rights issue and creating a more inclusive society for all. The bill ensures that individuals are protected from discrimination based on their perceived position in the caste system—a system of social stratification on the basis of inherited status. California is the first state in the country to pass such civil rights protections, following Harvard University, the entire city of Seattle, UC Davis, California State University and many others’ recent moves to add caste as an explicitly protected category in non-discrimination policies. This recent wave of historic victories indicates that the call to eliminate caste-based discrimination is gaining widespread momentum.
Kiran Kaur Gill
Executive Director of SALDEF
“SB403 is a crucial piece of legislation that will protect vulnerable communities from discrimination and foster a more equitable California. We are proud to stand alongside our coalition partners in advocating for the passage of this historic bill. Caste-based discrimination is especially prevalent in South Asian communities in America, but this bill sets a national example for expanding civil rights and the American values of liberty and justice for all.”
Thenmozhi Soundararajan
Executive Director of Equality Labs
“The Assembly Vote is a win for the ages. After conducting over 700 advocacy meetings across the entire state of California the people have spoken resoundingly for caste equity protections. As a Californian who has endured caste my whole life I know the struggles and adversity caste-oppressed Californians have unjustly faced firsthand. Caste-oppressed people have organized for over twenty years so we could have lives free from violent attacks and discrimination; now, the California assembly has voted decisively to bring us closer to victory. .As the bill progresses we ask Governor Newsome to sign this bill once it crosses his desk so that California can lead the nation and the world to ensure that our institutions are free from discrimination and ensure opportunity for all. “
Amar Shergill
CA Democratic Chair of the Progressive Caucus
“There is broad consensus in California among Democrats and Republicans that discrimination, in any form, is unacceptable. It was my honor to help advance the successful effort to ban caste discrimination in the California Democratic Party, and we appreciate Senator Wahab leading the way to extend the prohibition to the State of California. It is our duty to stand up for equal opportunity for all Californians.”
Pooja Ren
Hindus for Caste Equity
“As a Dalit Hindu I want to make sure we can make workplaces safe for all workers, as well as all schools for my children. Future Dalit generations in the diaspora must be protected. Pathways must be paved for our children to feel safe from casteist bullying and discrimination from casteist parents. For we must have justice when caste-discrimination occurs. We are a community that has suffered for centuries, and protection will give us the human rights as residents of California to live a life free from caste discrimination. We are tired of living in the closet and hiding our identities so that our children do not have to endure what we survived. Change can only happen through policy protections. We need to heal from the violence of caste and as Hindus it is our duty to stand in this powerful interfaith, intercaste, and multiracial movement to remedy caste inequality. For it is clear that caste discrimination is unlawful and through this bill we intend to set the table for our community to heal and reconcile from caste. We thank the California Assembly for standing with us!”
Nirmal Singh
MD, MPH, Shri Guru Ravidass Community, Bakersfield
“As part of this civil right movement to end caste based discrimination in the state of California, I stand strong with my SB 403 team. It is possible in democratic countries like the United States of America that people at the bottom rung of the society, sans political power -sans economic power, are fighting with meager resources for their own dignity and self-respect. History is being written and posterity will remember these actions. Babasaheb Dr. Ambedkar would have felt proud of us today, if he were physically present among us”.
Leaders from partner organizations, including the Jakara Movement, Tech Equity, Council on American-Islamic Relations, South Asian Network, were also present to show their support for SB403.
This event aimed to highlight the urgent need for SB403 and the critical role it plays in advancing social justice. Personal testimonies, including Shahira’s story of caste discrimination, will underscore the importance of swift legislative action.
Shahira Bhangar
Californians for Caste Equity
“As a Dalit Sikh woman who was born and raised in California, this Bill is close to my heart. One of my earliest memories as a teenager was being bullied and harassed in school when my dominant caste friends found out about my caste. I also vividly recall landing my first Silicon Valley tech job post-grad but being questioned about my caste background by my supervisor. It is imperative that a legal remedy is in place and that clear caste equity protections are implemented in the State of California immediately. The State of California is taking a historic lead for caste-oppressed folks everywhere – caste discrimination is rampant and the first step to rectify this issue is with explicit protections.”
Prem Pariyar
National Association of Social Workers and Alameda County Human Rights Commissioner
“I am immensely proud to witness this historic moment in California, where the ban on caste discrimination is resoundingly supported. This triumph brings hope to Dalits and advocates, echoing my own experiences as a Hindu Nepali Dalit who has faced discrimination in the workplace and places of worship. Today’s overwhelming votes mark a day of gratitude for our ancestors and a milestone in history. Let us declare that caste discrimination has no place in society, be it in America or anywhere else. This is why esteemed institutions like the CSU system, American Bar Association have taken a stand, and why tireless workers continue their noble battle for rights and dignity.”
Naindeep Singh
Jakara Movement
“Today is the critical moment where California legislators put away their differences to affirm civil rights for all Californians. A historic coalition of 40+ Sikh communities across California unapologetically stands together with our caste-oppressed families, united, emboldened, and powerful, in amplifying the clarion call from the 15th century Punjab to 21st century California, demanding an end to caste discrimination and equality for all.”
SatPaul Surila
International Bahujan Organization, Pittsburgh, California
“I’m proud to be a part of the SB 403 campaign to end caste discrimination in California and for our future generations. Caste discrimination is a very serious crisis for mental and physical health. We need to end caste discrimination once and for all, not just in California but throughout the world, everyone deserves to live their life with dignity and respect.”
Ramesh Suman
Supreme Council of Shri Guru Ravidass Sabhas of California
“We are very pleased to see this historic solidarity and unity among our sangat of Sri Guru Ravidass temples across the state in support of the bill SB403. We are so happy that the bill is moving forward and we will continue until we make California a Begampura as our guruji wanted.. We look forward to this bill becoming a law soon.”
Sana Qutubuddin
Indian American Muslim Council and No Separate Justice
As a caste oppressed Indian Muslim, my freedom is connected to the freedom of all caste oppressed people and I am filled with unstoppable joy with our victory in the assembly today. We are united in our ask for caste equity and we ask all folks to stand with the cause for justice and love. It is important to me that California legislators listen to the pain of caste oppressed people of all faiths and work swiftly to remedy this violence. Justice can no longer be delayed and we cannot wait to build with fellow Californians on this important issue.
Tarina Mand
South Asian Bar Association Civil Rights Taskforce
“Today California took bold step to dismantle caste discrimination in a call for equity and a recognition that deep seated biases can be passed through a community for generations and across continents. As our communities process some incredibly disheartening judicial decisions in recent months about the value of our diverse national spirit, the passage of SB-403 today stands out as a watershed moment.”
Tanuja Gupta
Law Student, Activist, Google whistleblower on caste discrimination
Founder of Caste Equity Legal Task Force
SB403 protects workers who speak out against caste discrimination AND those who are accused of caste discrimination. Companies and courts alike will now better understand the meaning of caste, the required level of rigor around internal investigations of caste discrimination, and how caste fits into California’s legal framework for discrimination claims, in terms of the burdens of proof, production and persuasion. SB403 requires public and private institutions to reckon with matters of the caste in modern America.”
Maya Kamble
Ambedkar Association of North America
“Despite what opponents of this bill suggest, SB-403 seeks to build a better, more improved, and more peaceful California for everyone. This bill does not, nor will it ever target Hindus or any specific faith. Rather, it provides protections for all—ensuring that California continues to hold its long standing title as one of the most inclusive U.S. states.”
Megan Abell
Senior Director of Advocacy at TechEquity Collaborative
“We know that across the tech industry, caste bias can cause harassment and career immobility on the job. That’s why we’re delighted to see that today, our assembly took a stand against caste-based discrimination. Let’s get SB 403 over the finish line to ensure all workers, in tech and beyond, are protected.”
Shakeel Syed
South Asian Network
“As an Indian American Muslim living in California & statewide leader of South Asian Network, I am glad this bill will proceed to the next stage. As someone with caste privilege, I hope it will bring reconciliation and healing to our communities as well as needed respite to the casteism we see across so many of our clients. I am sorry for the casteism I have seen in my past but our goal now is to stop this discrimination in the present and then to work together to build bridges of understanding and hope. We are stronger together and this bill is the first step towards that.”
SALDEF is a non-profit, non-partisan organization dedicated to protecting the civil rights of Sikh Americans and ensuring a fostering environment for future generations.
About Equality Labs:
Equality Labs is a Dalit Civil Rights Organization that works to advocate for caste, gender, and racial equity. You can find us at equalitylabs.org and on our socials at @equalitylabs. For more information please reach out to Dani Sher at communications@equalitylabs.org.
About State Senator Wahab:
Senator Aisha Wahab represents the 10th Senate District, which includes the cities of Fremont, Hayward, Newark, Union City, Milpitas, San Jose, Santa Clara, and Sunnyvale; as well as unincorporated communities of Alameda and Santa Clara counties including Fairview, Alum Rock, East Foothills. Senator Wahab lives in Hayward. Website of Senator Aisha Wahab: https://sd10.senate.ca.gov
For media inquiries or further information, please contact:
Amrita Kular, SALDEF Director of Communications
(202) 393-2700
Dani Sher, Director of Marketing & Communications at Equality Labs
To learn more about SB403 and SALDEF’s work click here