Possible backlash against those perceived to be Muslim, Arab or Middle-Eastern Washington, DC, — Following President Bush’s remarks to the nation last night about the developments in Iraq, Sikh Mediawatch and Resource Task Force (SMART) is cautioning the Sikh American community to take extra safety measures to safeguard themselves, their property and their local Gurdwara from possible backlash if war breaks out in the Middle East. Recent news reports (F.B.I. Warns of Possible Hate Crimes in United States, NYT 3/13/03) indicate hate crimes against those perceived to be Muslim, Arab or Middle-Eastern in the United States have been on the rise. SMART would like to emphasize that this advisory is issued purely as a precautionary measure. A hate crime is targeted criminal activity, motivated by prejudice based on perceived immutable personal characteristics of the victims. Hostile or hateful speech and actions motivated by prejudice are termed hate or bias incidents. These motivations may include race, religion, ethnicity or national origin, gender, age, disability or sexual orientation. Hate incidents become crimes only when they directly incite perpetrators to commit violence against persons or property, or if they place a potential victim in reasonable fear of physical injury. If you or anyone you know, becomes the victim of a hate incident, please report it immediately at http://www.sikhmediawatch.org/incident/incidentreport.htm. SMART has relationships with law enforcement agencies across the nation and will ensure that the appropriate agency is notified of the incident. You can also contact SMART toll free at 877-91-SIKHS (1-877-917-4547). To help the community better respond to an incident, SMART has developed KNOW WHAT TO DO, a handy pocket guide that details the steps that should be taken in the event of a hate crime, discrimination in the workplace, police profiling, and states your rights as an airline passenger. SMART URGES EVERYONE TO EXERCISE COMMON SENSE AND RELY ON THEIR OWN BEST JUDGMENT, BUT OFFERS THE FOLLOWING SUGGESTIONS: (Link no longer available).