June 10, 2009 (Washington, DC) – Yesterday, the Sikh American Legal Defense and Education Fund (SALDEF) called upon Maryland Attorney General Douglas F. Gansler to modify a legal opinion that endangers the religious freedom of observant Sikh Americans and members of other religious groups. The legal opinion in question—94 OAG 81—was issued on May 27, 2009 in response to a law enforcement officer’s inquiry about the right of individuals to remain “veiled or masked” for religious reasons upon entering a courthouse. Notwithstanding the narrow focus of the officer’s inquiry, 94 OAG 81 makes conspicuous reference to religious “headgear” in its title; is laced with overbroad references to “head” coverings; and can be misinterpreted to mean that deputy sheriffs can require individuals entering a courthouse to remove religious headgear for security purposes. In a letter to Mr. Gansler, SALDEF expressed concern that 94 OAG 81 would create needless confusion among security officers at courthouses throughout Maryland and potential legal liability for the State of Maryland. For these reasons, SALDEF has urged the Maryland Attorney General to modify the opinion and collaborate with SALDEF on Sikh American cultural awareness trainings for security officers through SALDEF’s Law Enforcement Partnership Program. LEARN MORE Read more about SALDEF’s work on religious accommodation issues at courthouses: Dallas County Agrees to Adopt SALDEF Guidelines in Settlement of Lawsuit (Link no longer available) Georgia Court Apologizes to Sikh American Denied Entry Into Court House Due to His Turban (Link no longer available) Georgia Court Apologizes for Denying Sikh American Man Entrance to Court (Link no longer available) SALDEF is grateful to volunteer attorney Dawinder Singh Sidhu for bringing this matter to its attention. If you or your children ever experience discrimination, threats, or violence because of your Sikh identity, please contact SALDEF by email at legal@saldef.org or by phone at (202) 393-2700 Ext 131.