March Advocate

SALDEF Job Announcement—Communications Director

SALDEF is seeking a Communications Director to lead media related efforts for the nation’s oldest Sikh American civil rights and education organization. SALDEF is pleased to announce this new posting as a first-of-its-kind position for the Sikh American community, funded by a progressive group of Sikh donors that will allow for the community’s first full-time position dedicated to media relations and public awareness.

A preferred applicant will have experience in managing media relations and contacts, conducting press conferences, developing media strategies and pitching stories.  Additionally, this position requires the management of SALDEF’s social media sites, the ability to  manage community and national advisories, and coordinate the scheduling of media events and programs.  Minimum qualifications include a Bachelor’s Degree with a minimum of three years of relevant experience; demonstrated experience in public relations, journalism, civil liberties law, or a related field requiring significant writing and public relations duties.

If interested, please click here for more information and the application process. Applications will be accepted until the position is filled.

SALDEF Meets with US Secretary of Education on Education Priorities

On February 19th, SALDEF participated in a meeting at the Department of Education with the Secretary of Education, Arne Duncan, to discuss educational priorities for the Obama Administration. The primary focus was to raise issues related to promoting diversity in public education, improving school climate by preventing bullying, harassment and profiling, and ensuring robust civil rights enforcement and data collection of the above incidents.

During the meeting, SALDEF Executive Director Jasjit Singh, highlighted the critical issue of bullying against Sikh American school children.  Citing a survey conducted by SALDEF of Sikh American students in Southern California, “67% of Sikh American children surveyed were bullied or harassed within the last school year and 31% have been threatened with physical violence or harm.  Since 2011, SALDEF has worked to lobby members of congress to support the Safe Schools Improvement Act which aims to strengthen measures to prevent the bullying and harassment of students in public elementary and secondary schools.

To read more about this meeting, click here.

Order the New Sikh American Informational Cards Today!

SALDEF encourages the community to purchase the newly designed 2013 Sikh Information Cards. Educate your neighbors, friends, and co-workers about Sikh Americans in an easy, informative way through our newly redesigned Sikh Information Cards. The 2013 Sikh Information Cards are the size of a standard business card and feature full-color images of Sikh Americans, along with examples of core Sikh values and facts about Sikhs in the United States on the front and back of the card. Like the pocket calendars that were produced in the past, these new cards are perfect for distribution at your workplace, schools, convenience stores, gas stations, taxi cabs, restaurants, or public libraries. Sikhs across the nation have shared them with their friends, neighbors, customers, and local officials. Spanish Language cards are also available.

The cards are available in bundles of 100 for $10 plus shipping and handling fees. today.

SALDEF Addresses Interfaith Community via Harmony Film Festival

On February 9th, SALDEF”s Birpal Kaur was invited to speak at theWorld Interfaith Harmony Film Festival, on a panel addressing issues faced by the Sikh American, South Asian, Muslim, and Arab communities since 9/11. The festival was hosted from February 6-10 in Los Angeles, CA and included the screening of Divided We Fall, a documentary film by Valarie Kaur reflecting a personal journey examining hate crimes and violence being faced by the Sikh American community in the wake of the tragic attacks on September 11, 2001. The panel discussion provided an opportunity for attendees to hear about who Sikhs are, the struggles of discrimination the community continues to face, and current legislation and information on combating these issues and protection against discriminatory situations.

SALDEF Tackles Issues of ‘Mistaken Identity’ via National Asian Student Conference

On February 23rd, SALDEF”s Amrita Singh chaired a session at theEast Coast Asian American Student Union Conference held in New York City at Columbia University. Amrita was joined by Simran Jeet Singh, a scholar and social activist completing his Ph.D. in the Department of Religion at Columbia University and a regular contributor to the Huffington Post.  During the presentation Amrita and Simran discussed the continuing occurrence of hate crimes against South Asians as well as proposing a challenge to the frame of “mistaken identity” that has been used to characterize the past decade of hate-violence committed against South Asians in general and Sikhs in particular. Over 50 students from across the country attended the presentation.

SALDEF Participates in Oak Creek Roundtable Event Hosted by SAALT in Washington, DC

SALDEF’s Amrita Singh was invited to serve as a panelist at the South Asian Americans Leading Together (SAALT) SAALT Circle on February 26th.  The discussion focused on what the tragic events of August 5, 2012 at the Oak Creek Gurdwara, means to our community today, six months after the shooting. Along with SALDEF, speakers from The Sikh Coalition and SAALT shared their organizations’ perspectives on the immediate response following Oak Creek, relief and advocacy efforts thus far, and ways to get involved.

Serving the Law Panel Engages Southern California Lawyers via SABA-SC Event

On February 26th the South Asian Bar Association, Southern California in partnership with the Law offices of Fisher Talwar hosted a panel event addressing the question of ‘How to serve the South Asian Community through the Law’.  SALDEF’s Western Regional Director, Bhupinder Kaur, was invited to join follow panelist, Ameena Qazi with the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) to discuss how lawyers can contribute to the advocacy work being done in the broader South Asian and post-9/11communities. Among the issues that were discussed included the after-effects of the Oak Creek massacre, FBI informants infiltrating mosques, and continued discrimination of the community, were all discussed with attendees.

Addressing South Asians and Civic Engagement in Los Angeles, CA

On Wednesday, February 27th USC’s Asian Pacific American Student Services (APASS) office invited SALDEF’s Birpal Kaur to participate on a panel entitled Make an Impact! Civic Engagement as a South Asian American, with guest speakers of South Asian descent and involved in community-based organizations. Panelists were engaged in questions around how and why they got involved in advocacy and civic engagement work, what work they have engaged in, what obstacles they have faced, and what recommendations they would have for South Asian college students who also want to get involved. The participants also engaged with the audience around hardships faced while working within the South Asian community, as panelists were able to share both personal and professional reflections on their journeys and work in the community.

SALDEF would like to extend our thanks to the APASS staff, and fellow panelists: Amita Swadhin with Peer Health Exchange, Laboni Hoq with Asian Pacific American Legal Center (APALC), and Samia Hussin with South Asian Network (SAN).

If you are interested in coordinating a panel or speaking event at your school, please contact SALDEF via

Upcoming Events:

  • March 22-23rd – Days of Diversity Presentations – Castro Valley, CA
  • March 24th – Know Your Rights Forum – Dallas, TX
  • March 27th – Cultural Diversity Training – Equal Employment Opportunity Commission– San Diego, CA
  • April 7th – Know Your Rights Forum – Detroit, MI
  • May 7th – LAPD Counter Terrorism Bureau Training – Los Angeles, CA
  • May 24-27th – SikhLEAD Leadership Development Program – Los Angeles, CA
  • June 2nd – Know Your Rights Forum – Las Vegas, NV
  • October 12th – SALDEF National Gala – Washington D.C.