SikhLEAD Interns Host Langar on the Hill to Promote Sikh Values

Nearly 150 people, including members of Congress, attended the annual Langar hosted by the Sikh American Legal Defense and Education Fund (SALDEF)’s SikhLEAD Internship class and the office of Rep. Chuck Schumer, on Capitol Hill on July 26.
Langar is a 500-year old Sikh tradition that aims to eradicate segregation and classicism and promote food justice. Among the members of Congress who attended the event included Representative Judy Chu (CA-28) and Representative Shri Thanedar (MI-13).
Speaking on the occasion, SALDEF Executive Director Kiran Kaur Gill explained the importance of Langar in the context of the Sikh American experience.
“Sikh Americans have a long history of innovative community engagement and leadership, from the Honorable Dalip Singh Saund who was one of our great pioneers in Congress, to the advocates at SALDEF. Having the occasion to share a meal as equals is a strong reminder about the values of equality and universal friendship.”
While Sikh Americans have a 125-year history in the United States, there are still a lot of misperceptions about the community. Langar on the Hill is a significant opportunity for us to introduce our American history and Sikh values, including equality for all. Moreover, it is a unique opportunity for this rising generation to express to our nation’s leaders how we intend to deepen our civic participation.
We’d like to take the time to thank the volunteers and all our supporters across the nation who donated to this event and contributed to its success.