Proposed Minnesota law threatens Sikh turbans in driver’s license photos Washington DC; March 4, 2009— Yesterday, the Sikh American Legal Defense and Education Fund (SALDEF), the oldest Sikh American civil rights and advocacy organization in the United States, called upon Minnesota State Representative Steve Gottwalt to modify legislation (HF0989) that would forbid observant Sikhs from wearing dastaars (Sikh turbans) in driver’s license photographs. Apart from having severe consequences for observant Sikh Americans, the measure would affect observant Muslims, Jews, Christians, and others who wear religiously mandated headcoverings. SALDEF has relayed its concerns to Rep. Gottwalt and is working with the ACLU of Minnesota and other organizations to ensure that religious freedom is safeguarded in the state. In addition, SALDEF encouraged Rep. Gottwalt to spread awareness about Sikh religious practices by collaborating with SALDEF on promotion of its Law Enforcement Partnership Program (LEPP). These developments come on the heels of an Oklahoma proposal that would ban religious headcoverings in driver’s license photographs. SALDEF is working with the ACLU of Oklahoma and other coalition partners to ensure that religious freedom is safeguarded in that state. TAKE A STAND FOR RELIGIOUS FREEDOM IN MINNESOTA! Send an email directly to Rep. Steve Gottwalt ( and tell him to work with the Sikh American community to ensure that religious freedom will be safeguarded in Minnesota. Call Rep. Steve Gottwalt at (651) 296-6316 and tell him to work with the Sikh American community to ensure that religious freedom will be safeguarded in Minnesota. As always be POLITE and RESPECTFUL in your comments.