Educate your neighbors, friends, and co-workers about Sikh Americans in an easy, informative way through our annual pocket calendars.
In their ninth year of production, the 2012 calendars feature full-color images of Sikh Americans, along with examples of core Sikh values and facts about Sikhs in the United States. In a new folded style, the cards have a 2012 calendar in an easy-to-use design that fits the sizing of standard business cards.
To reach out even more effectively, Spanish language versions are also available.
The annual SALDEF Pocket Calendars have already been widely distributed; today! This handy resource can be used in your local community to educate and increase awareness of Sikhs and Sikhi.
“The pocket calendars are a great way to introduce myself to my customers. They are a must have for all Sikh businesses.”
– Oregon Small |
The calendars are perfect for distribution at your workplace, schools, convenience stores, gas stations, taxi cabs, restaurants, senior citizens centers, or public libraries. Sikhs across the nation have shared them with their friends, neighbors, customers, and local officials.
SALDEF encourages the Sikh American community to take initiative in informing and educating others about their culture and faith.
The calendars are available in bundles of 100 for $10 plus shipping and handling fees.