SMART Requests Information On Sikh Media Outlets

Germantown, MD – The Sikh Mediawatch and Resource Task Force (SMART), a national Sikh American civil rights advocacy group, is collecting information on Sikh media outlets, including web sites, newspapers, magazines, local television shows and radio shows. A form is provided at the end of this message to submit information about Sikh-run media outlets. Please complete the form and email it to FORM ==== Name: Address: Tel: Fax: Email: Web Site: Name of Publisher/Producer: Language: __ English __ Punjabi __ Both __ Other (specify) FOR PRINT MEDIA OUTLETS: Type of Publication: __ Weekly __ Monthly __ Quaterly __ Other (specify) FOR BROADCAST MEDIA OUTLETS (TV/RADIO) Air Times: TV Channel or Radio Frequency (list all): ### END ###