Washington D.C., April 2, 2010 — Yesterday, Oregon Governor Ted Kulongoski signed legislation reversing an 87-year old law preventing public school teachers in the state from wearing religious clothing and articles of faith. The repeal of the long standing law now allows observant Americans from Sikh, Jewish, Muslim and other faith groups who wear religiously mandated clothing to teach in public schools.
“House Bill 3686 received passage through the culmination of deep dedication and hard work of legislators, elected officials, local teachers and students, and state and national organizations,” said Oregon House Speaker Dave Hunt, chief sponsor of the bill. “The commitment and effort of the Sikh American Legal Defense and Education Fund played a key role in ensuring that every Oregon citizen has the right to teach in our classrooms while maintaining religious free exercise.”

Governor Kulongoski signing HB 3686 into law, surrounded by community advocates and civic officals, along with SALDEF Regional Director Sat Hanuman Singh Khalsa.
The commitment and effort of the Sikh American Legal Defense and Education Fund played a key role in ensuring that every Oregon citizen has the right to teach in our classrooms while maintaining religious free exercise.” — Oregon Speaker Dave Hunt |
Last week, SALDEF initiated a final letter writing campaign urging community members of all faiths to write to the Governor to sign the legislation. Supporters wrote thousands of letters in support of the repealing of this law dating back to the Ku Klux Klan era of the 1920’s. “SALDEF has worked consistently to defend the right of all Americans to wear religious attire in the workplace, in schools, in courtrooms, and as customers in public venues,” said SALDEF Associate Executive Director Jasjit Singh. “We congratulate the State of Oregon on the repeal of the ban on teachers’ religious attire and look to legislators in Pennsylvania and Nebraska (the two remaining states who have such statues) to follow Oregon’s lead of respect for religious freedom and diversity.” Additionally, SALDEF would like to thank Oregon Speaker Dave Hunt and his staff, Oregon attorney and advocate Saba Ahmed for her tireless efforts in leading this campaign, Ravitej Singh Khalsa for his stallworth dedication to this effort for nearly 20 years, and the numerous organizations and individuals that supported this tremendous victory. Finally, prior to the new law being enacted in 2011, Oregon’s state administrative agenencies will develop guidelines as to how the law will be rolled out and applied to the State’s schools. SALDEF will be closely monitoring these discussions to ensure that the intent of the Oregon Legislature and Governor is met and that no teacher’s are subject to religious discrimination in Oregon. To read about other legislative efforts SALDEF has been or is currently engaged with over the past year, please see below: