We are honored to announce that Comcast has increased its donation towards SALDEF’s first-ever Sikh American commercial to a total of two million dollars in airtime. This is an unprecedented investment made into introducing the Sikh American identity across the United States. The 30-second TV spot has aired in 39 states and Washington, D.C., in the last week, and viewers saw it while watching CNBC, A&E, TNT, VH1, Fox, and more. Missed it? Watch the commercial! When Comcast decided to increase its investment in air time, they told us that the quality of the media coverage SALDEF secured in media outlets like Fast Company and PBS helped them make make their decision. Worth 103,144,185 in impressions through media coverage—a number that tells us how many people were reached through broadcast and online outlets—SALDEF’s secured media coverage taught Americans about Sikh American values and the Sikh American way of life, whether it was through the BBC covering principles of langar and equality, or Identities Mic writing on chardi kala. We thank Ik Manzil and community members like you for your financial support of SALDEF’s Media Initiative. Highlights of coverage include: BBC: Video coverage Identities Mic PBS: TV news segment Fast Company The Huffington Post The Aerogram The SALDEF team is deeply humbled by the support we’ve received from Comcast and the Center for Asian American Media to create the first-ever Sikh American PSA, which aired throughout the months of July and August 2014. An investment in our team is an investment in our efforts to create partnerships with organizations that contribute to our community without cost. Please make a 100% tax-deductible donation to support SALDEF so we can continue to educate our nation about our values and make a real and meaningful impact on the perception of Sikhs in America.